New Year = Absenteeism

I have found over the years, for some odd reason, the absenteeism rates reduce significantly before the Festive Holidays. Maybe everyone is intent on getting away from hanging lights, baking, wrapping gifts or shopping. Sounds like a deterrence but don’t let this fool you. Historically, the New Year gets most companies back on track when it comes to employee absenteeism. January and February are [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:16:34-04:00January 7, 2013|Mental Health|0 Comments


The second largest complete system of medicine in the world today is Homeopathy (first is Traditional Chinese Medicine). Fortunately there is a growing trend towards natural medicine such as Homeopathy, unfortunately, not many people know about it. So what does it do? As a homeopath, we stay away from the word ‘cure’. It gets us into a lot of trouble with those not so [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:27:31-04:00January 7, 2013|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

With Santa comes Stress!

Tis the season where everyone is in a hurry to get from one place to another, buying gifts for all their loved ones and friends, and eventually making it to the grocery store for the perfect festive meals. I’m guilty like so many others.  However, those of us that work full time and try to manage these additional errands want to pull our hair out [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:39:19-04:00December 6, 2012|Mental Health|0 Comments

Under the Weather?

English: Holistic health, body, mind, heart, soul (Photo credit: Wikipedia) TRY A NATURAL REMEDY THIS YEAR VERSUS A PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG! If you are the kind of person that always gets sick this time of the year (under the weather), be prepared to fight off the symptoms with a natural remedy. Not sure what to pick?  I would suggest you visit your local health food [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:43:36-04:00December 5, 2012|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Calling in Sick!

Well, with the party in downtown Toronto late Sunday night, I’m sure a few people called in sick on Monday! Lots of cheering, drinking and craziness going on but a good time was had by all that attended the Grey Cup. Unfortunately the entertainment had a lot to be desired, but we survived the oh too young artists and some older ones such as [...]

By |2015-05-11T19:18:56-04:00November 27, 2012|Mental Health|0 Comments

100th Grey Cup!

Who would have ever thought that buying tickets one year ago would lead to watching the Toronto Argonauts in the 100th Grey Cup – in Toronto, no less!  My son is still extremely excited as I was a year ago but today I’m not so sure….too many people, craziness, noise (where is my hearing protection!) I’m packing to head down for the weekend in Toronto, but with the snow…. [...]

By |2015-05-15T13:58:17-04:00November 24, 2012|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace

The standards regarding Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace, according to the OOHNA Journal, Fall 2012 edition, is the first of its kind in the world! Although, this is considered to be voluntary (so far), it does provide a template for employers in Canada to address mental health issues, a topic we seem to be hearing more and more about.  This is not [...]

By |2015-05-15T14:06:18-04:00November 19, 2012|Mental Health|0 Comments

A Remembrance Day to Remember – Dedicated to my son Colin

My son Colin, who is an amazing Artist, has decided to join the Army – wanted to do so since the age of 16.  I’ve watched this rather slow governmental process come to fruition – he’s just waiting for the phone call at this point ( which we hoped would be after the Grey Cup, since we have great seats for the game).  For [...]

Workplace Health

Communiqué - November 2012 Do you want to become a leader in workplace health? Are you ready for the release of the National Standard of Canada Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace? Has your organization realigned itself to manage the true cause of absenteeism? With the rising costs of healthcare benefits and absenteeism, addressing disability claims should NOT be your primary solution. In [...]

By |2015-05-15T14:18:46-04:00November 2, 2012|Health & Wellness|0 Comments


A light blue ribbon is the symbol for prostate cancer (Photo credit: Wikipedia) MOVEMBER – Promoting Awareness for Men’s Health All too often we speak of Health Concerns that involve primarily women.  The television commercials cover women’s health issues like yeast infections, menopause, PMS, tampons etc. including last month’s marketing campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness. This was quite noticeable at one of the local [...]

By |2015-05-15T14:22:29-04:00November 2, 2012|Health & Wellness|0 Comments
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