Try This Tuesday – Quick, Easy Lunch To Go

“I am grateful for the avocado, no one has figured out how to cook it.”  ~ David Wolfe The beauty of salads, is the purely natural, uncooked vegetables that feed your body at a cellular level.  Avocados are known for their high levels of Omega-3 fats, which aid the body in minimizing inflammation and other inflammatory derived diseases such as diabetes. Avocados also possess [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:07:12-04:00February 17, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Should You Hire A Personal Trainer?

Do you find yourself lacking motivation to workout or are you skipping workouts because you don’t have an accountability partner? Utilizing the services of a Personal Trainer can create the routine and habits you need to finally reach your fitness goals. The major benefit of a Personal Trainer is the expertise and training they have to ensure your workout is safe and you aren’t [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:07:12-04:00February 16, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Have You Seen This Life-changing Video Yet?

[youtube width="560" height="315"][/youtube] This month’s featured video is an interview with Joe Cross, creator of the life-changing documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. How many people are feeling fat, sick and nearly dead on a daily basis? They are looking for answers that the food industry just isn’t answering.  They are caught in the marketing hype of low fat, no sugar added, 100 calorie [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:07:13-04:00February 12, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Try This Tuesday – Unbelievably Healthy Chocolate Delights

Valentine’s Day and chocolate are inseparable.  Make this year’s indulgence healthy and enjoyable.  So moist and delicious you might not even want to share with your special Valentine! The featured ingredient in our Try This Tuesday recipe is raw cacao - chocolate in its raw, natural state. Not to be mistaken with cocoa or milk chocolate which are processed forms of chocolate.  Raw cacao [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:08:29-04:00February 10, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments
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