Stock Your Refrigerator With This…
For greatest weight management success, stock your refrigerator with colourful, fresh fruits and vegetables for a variety of vitamins and minerals essential to your health!
For greatest weight management success, stock your refrigerator with colourful, fresh fruits and vegetables for a variety of vitamins and minerals essential to your health!
Find an exercise you love... and bring your friends!
Being physically active was always a huge part of my life - whether it was playing sports, working outside on our family farm, or salsa dancing. It was always easy to maintain an active lifestyle. As I get older, responsibilities have changed and I find it more and more difficult to maintain my normally active lifestyle. The added challenge of cold, wintery weather also puts [...]
The hype of the New Year has worn off and most resolutions are long forgotten. This first week of February we have a three part mini-series on weight management. Our goal is to give you the resources you need to maintain or achieve a healthy body weight. Proper nutrition is the cornerstone to weight management. There is no shortage of weight loss programs circulating that [...]
"It is not fat that makes you fat. It's sugar!" -Dr. Christiane Northrup from Hungry for Change