You’ve Always Brushed Your Hair – Now it’s Time to Brush Your Skin!

Have you ever heard of dry skin brushing? It is an excellent way to expel toxins from your body, through gentle lymphatic drainage. Your lymphatic system is a network of capillaries and vessels that carry lymph throughout your body, which acts as part of your immune system. The lymph does not have its own active movement system, so it is only through exercise and [...]

By |2017-01-06T16:27:56-05:00January 9, 2017|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Caffeine Confusion… Craving or Crash?

Stumbling out of bed each morning, is your first stop the coffee pot? Do you swing by the drive-thru on your way to work? Do you hit the vending machine for a pop at lunch? How many times per day do you drink coffee, pop or energy drinks? It’s time to become aware of what exactly that caffeine represents; the havoc it plays on [...]

By |2016-10-25T11:34:06-04:00November 1, 2016|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Are there toxins lurking in your detergent that are making you sick or gain weight?

What is in your detergent? Have you ever read the ingredients? Could it be making you sick? Could it be attributed to weight gain? Conventional detergents are filled with an incredible amount of toxins and industrial chemicals that we should not be breathing in, adding to the environment, exposing ourselves to, or putting on our skin once our clothes are dry. Theses toxins are [...]

By |2016-09-20T20:11:20-04:00June 6, 2016|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Eco-Friendly or Not?

How many plastic water bottles do you use in a week? Probably many more than you think and probably at a much higher detriment to yourself and our environment. Plastic water bottles are made with Bisphenol A (BPA), a very toxic material that makes the plastic hard and clear. This leaches into the water and obviously makes its way into your body. The bottle [...]

By |2016-09-20T20:14:05-04:00April 11, 2016|Health & Wellness|0 Comments
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