Add a Splash Of This to Your Water
Jump start your morning with lemon water to boost your detoxification power all day!
Jump start your morning with lemon water to boost your detoxification power all day!
Valentine’s Day and chocolate are inseparable. Make this year’s indulgence healthy and enjoyable. So moist and delicious you might not even want to share with your special Valentine! The featured ingredient in our Try This Tuesday recipe is raw cacao - chocolate in its raw, natural state. Not to be mistaken with cocoa or milk chocolate which are processed forms of chocolate. Raw cacao [...]
The way you start your day sets the energetic tone for the rest of the day. If you get up late, race around and rush out the door, your entire day will feel as though you are running behind schedule, rushed, or pressured. Today I am recommending 3 healthy morning habits to start your day off right and will have a long-term benefit to [...]
Sugar is the drug of the food industry. Most of us are so reliant on sugar that we don’t even recognize that it has us in a death grip. Sugar is in everything - cereal, bread, pasta, crackers, condiments, granola bars, and more obviously cakes, muffins, cookies, and candy. Why is sugar so bad? Every time sugar is eaten, insulin levels spike in the [...]