Systematic Process for Ultimate Success

All too often, the inconsistencies in claims management comes from not having a systematic process that you can rely on for ultimate success in reducing disability loss, whether this be financial, or an employee's absence. In today's times, employers make choices on the employee's absenteeism and work record as to how they are going to manage a particular claim. From a Human Rights perspective, [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:15:33-04:00February 3, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Sitting on the Fence in disAbility Management

A recent conversation with a new disability case manager sparked this blog. 'Since the employer is paying my salary, I work for the employer and have their best interest in mind. Right?' Wrong! Your job as a disability case manager is to 'sit on the fence' and represent BOTH sides with integrity and diligence. We do our job by representing the employer but not [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:16:03-04:00January 8, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments
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