The Offer of Modified Work without Restrictions

How to offer modified work to employees with a workplace injury without restrictions from a health professional is a common question from employers. In very simple situations, which will be explained during our discussion on Linkedin Thursday, June 13, an employer does NOT need a health care practitioner to provide restrictions prior to the offer of modified work. I know! I know! Employers are [...]

By |2024-06-09T18:08:18-04:00June 9, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

The Best Way to Accommodate an Injured/Ill Employee

We have work to do when accommodating injured/ill employees. The best way to accommodate an injured/ill employee is to modify and/or alter their pre-illness/injury position, and make the accommodation in their own job, and in their own department. This takes a bit of work however and in our busy work schedule, some are more apt to take the quickest way to make the accommodation [...]

By |2024-05-24T11:49:05-04:00May 24, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Systematic Process for Ultimate Success

All too often, the inconsistencies in claims management comes from not having a systematic process that you can rely on for ultimate success in reducing disability loss, whether this be financial, or an employee's absence. In today's times, employers make choices on the employee's absenteeism and work record as to how they are going to manage a particular claim. From a Human Rights perspective, [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:15:33-04:00February 3, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Return to Work with Union Involvement

This is an all-too-common occurrence – right? Many organizations have a union and some have multiple unions. Hospitals have at least 5 for the most part. You have to work with them. There is no way around this. When an employer says to me, how do you manage unions or do you have a problem working with unions, I shake my head. Seriously! Why [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:15:44-04:00January 27, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Sitting on the Fence in disAbility Management

A recent conversation with a new disability case manager sparked this blog. 'Since the employer is paying my salary, I work for the employer and have their best interest in mind. Right?' Wrong! Your job as a disability case manager is to 'sit on the fence' and represent BOTH sides with integrity and diligence. We do our job by representing the employer but not [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:16:03-04:00January 8, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Too Eager!

There hasn’t been too many times in my 30 year career in disability management where I’ve met an employee that has been too eager to return to work, but they do pose a big problem when you do have one. disAbility claims management seems to focus on the continuous effort of case managers to move the employees along to a return to work on [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:16:37-04:00December 12, 2023|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Managing your Insurance Carrier

This is definitely one of my pet peeves.  Rest assured, the insurance carrier you think you have managing your short-term disability, long-term disability and WSIB, ADJUDICATE your claims only! If you are an employer, or a case manager working for an employer, you need to manage your insurance carriers as well as your employees’ claims. The primary purpose of insurance carriers is to adjudicate [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:17:05-04:00November 28, 2023|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Success Principle #3: Decide what you want to do, be and have

In Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be, he talks about a variety of principles, 64 in total, guiding you to get the life you’ve always wanted. In my last 2 blogs, we talked about Success Principle #1 – taking 100% responsibility for your life, along with being clear why you are [...]

By |2019-12-02T15:46:22-05:00November 19, 2019|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Success Principle #2: Be Clear Why You’re Here

Be clear why you are here. You do have a life's purpose and there is a way to find out what it is. All too often we live life one foot in front of the other following a journey that was never ours to begin with. We follow our parents’ wishes, or our good friends’ path or worse yet, we have no direction to [...]

By |2019-12-02T15:45:15-05:00November 19, 2019|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Success Principle #1 – Take Responsibility!

You have the power to make anything happen. So, why haven’t you? Find out what Jack Canfield says about it. National Bestseller, Jack Canfield, provides 63 success principles in his book, The Success Principles: How to Get from Where you are to Where you want to Be. His first principle, which is the foundation for the remaining 62 principles, is that we must take [...]

By |2019-12-02T15:44:22-05:00November 12, 2019|disAbility Management|0 Comments
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