Caffeine Confusion… Craving or Crash?

Stumbling out of bed each morning, is your first stop the coffee pot? Do you swing by the drive-thru on your way to work? Do you hit the vending machine for a pop at lunch? How many times per day do you drink coffee, pop or energy drinks? It’s time to become aware of what exactly that caffeine represents; the havoc it plays on [...]

By |2016-10-25T11:34:06-04:00November 1, 2016|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

3 Steps to Choosing An Energy Practitioner That’s Right For You at Work and at Home

Taking care of your physical health is something we do from the time we are young. It is ingrained in us that if we have a physical symptom, we should go to the doctor to have it checked out. However, when was the last time you had your spiritual energy checked? Choosing an energy practitioner can help with “unseen” issues that can have a [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:06:30-04:00March 23, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments

A Must-Read for Coffee Drinkers

What would happen if we replaced every other coffee shop with a fresh juice bar? The fact that there is a coffee shop on every other street corner speaks volumes to how we are culturally dependent upon coffee and sugar-filled convenience foods to maintain energy levels throughout the day.  How about our cafeterias? How many workplaces serve coffee for their employees or have vending [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:07:08-04:00March 2, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments

How Taking Care of You Will Benefit All Other Aspects of Your Life

Isn’t it ironic how culturally we have come to believe that if we put ourselves before the needs of others we are somehow being selfish, self-centred or even neglectful? Let’s stop and think about that notion for a moment. This message is telling us to continuously give of ourselves and only when we have time we should care for ourselves. Unfortunately many of us [...]

By |2015-04-01T20:15:35-04:00January 8, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments
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