This ONE Ingredient can Ruin that Healthy Smoothie!

You’re ready to start your day. You reach for frozen berries, banana, cherries and fresh greens, along with some super foods, such as cacao, maca, chia seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, and flax seeds to add to your smoothie and then you head to the fridge for the milk. If you just reached in for some cow’s milk, whether it is homogenized, whole, 2%, [...]

By |2016-09-20T20:09:59-04:00July 25, 2016|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Is Your Body too Acidic? Create Balance with an Alkaline Diet.

What are you eating? If you had to name three main food groups that you consume, what would they be? Many people would name grains, meat and dairy. Unfortunately, this diet causes a great deal of inflammation in the body, as the body tries to break down these heavy substances into more manageable components. The problem is that once these grains, meat and dairy, [...]

By |2016-09-20T20:11:59-04:00May 24, 2016|Health & Wellness|0 Comments
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