We know there’s lead in your lipstick. Did you know it’s also in your chocolate?

Heavy metal poisoning is one of the greatest un-recognized chronic illnesses that the majority of the population silently deals with. It can cause a medley of symptoms and health issues, such as headaches, brain fog, depression, digestive upset, allergies, neurological impairment and cancer. Various sources of heavy metals point to pesticides, chemicals and fertilizers applied to crops at various stages of growth and harvest. [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:04:05-04:00March 9, 2016|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Try This Tuesday – Unbelievably Healthy Chocolate Delights

Valentine’s Day and chocolate are inseparable.  Make this year’s indulgence healthy and enjoyable.  So moist and delicious you might not even want to share with your special Valentine! The featured ingredient in our Try This Tuesday recipe is raw cacao - chocolate in its raw, natural state. Not to be mistaken with cocoa or milk chocolate which are processed forms of chocolate.  Raw cacao [...]

By |2016-09-20T21:08:29-04:00February 10, 2015|Fournier Blog, Health & Wellness|0 Comments
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