The Best Way to Accommodate an Injured/Ill Employee

We have work to do when accommodating injured/ill employees. The best way to accommodate an injured/ill employee is to modify and/or alter their pre-illness/injury position, and make the accommodation in their own job, and in their own department. This takes a bit of work however and in our busy work schedule, some are more apt to take the quickest way to make the accommodation [...]

By |2024-05-24T11:49:05-04:00May 24, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Modified Work: How Long is too Long?

All too often the question of how much longer should the modified work continue, comes to my attention. The answer of course is, it depends. For the most part, modified work should be between 4-8 weeks long. It should be progressive, suitable and productive. That's a lot to consider when deciding how and when to accommodate, never mind how long it should be. Make [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:15:14-04:00February 17, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Road to Zero

WSIB has a campaign to eliminate workplace accidents called Road to Zero. In one of my earlier blogs, I wrote that I thought this was impossible. I still believe this today, unfortunately. Accidents happen all the time. The whole point of safety in the workplace is to reduce and/or eliminate them from happening but they continue to happen. With the new Rate Framework to [...]

By |2024-05-14T19:15:51-04:00January 10, 2024|disAbility Management|0 Comments
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