In Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be, he talks about a variety of principles, 64 in total, guiding you to get the life you’ve always wanted. In my last 2 blogs, we talked about Success Principle #1 – taking 100% responsibility for your life, along with being clear why you are here on this earth in Success Principle #2.
In Success Principle #3, you must ‘decide what you want to do, what you want to be and what you want to have’.
Jack believes that many people don’t have the life they dream about because there is a lack of clarity when it comes to really knowing what they want. We can all say, I want more money, a big house and a partner that loves me beyond anyone else but what does that really look like.
Getting very clear and concise on your desires helps you to attain that life you’ve always wanted. Deep down inside we’ve always known what we truly wanted but along life’s path, we sometimes get lost, or are lead astray from the interference of those we love or associate with. We end up living someone else’s dream – your mom wanted you to be a nurse – so you become a nurse. Your husband wants you to be a stay at home mom – so you stay home with the kids.
Being clear on what you want helps you to avoid settling for anything less than you deserve.
A good way to begin this is to write a list of 100 things you really want in the categories such as work or career, relationships, health & fitness, finances and hobbies. Just keep making that list – keep adding to it until there is nothing left to add. Take this list and make a shorter list in the 5 categories above, of what you truly want to have. You can add to the category list with a few more options but the whole point is to be clear in each area of your life, the things that you want that will truly make you happy.
Be specific with the list – don’t just say I want a big house. Say I want a 3 bedroom log home in the Muskokas with one wood burning fireplace, lots of windows for natural sunlight etc etc so that you can picture quite clearly your end goal. Do this to all your wants. Once you’ve completed this list, visit it daily as part of your morning routine and focus your life on going there. Stay away from tasks, people or events that take you off track. Stay focused!
At the end of all this, share your vision with those closest to you. Be prepared for those people in your life to either support you wholly or for those that have an opinion that will sway you away from your dreams. Stick to your plan. The point in sharing is not to change what you know, in your heart, what you truly desire but to share for support and accountability to get it done.
Lucie M.H. Fournier RN, COHN(C), BA (Psych)
Founder/Workplace Health Strategist
Expertise in 6 distinct niches including:
1. Corporate and Transformational Coaching
2. Advanced level training for internal claims manager to MAXIMIZE cost containment
3. Sensitive claims management of professional staff, such as HR, health team, and/or executives such as supervisors, managers, directors
4. Complex claims management resolution
5. Mental health claim return to work & accommodations
6. Transitional Leadership when moving to & from a 3rd party disAbility management company
We service clients across Ontario in all types of employers – large or small. We provide a customized approach to your business because we, and you, are different than the company down the road. A cookie cutter approach is NOT our specialty; nor our interest! We enjoy keeping the humanity in disability management while assertively managing your claims and costs. Feel free to call if you want to examine a long-term approach that is unique to you and your employees.
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