Restoring Employee Health
With over 25 years of experience, FOURNIER Health believes the solution to rising health care costs and employee absenteeism, is obvious – employers need to be proactive, not reactive. Employers have the leadership ability to ensure the life of their organization by being involved in their employees’ health, which, in turn, directly affects their bottom line.
Employee Health Coaching

Coaches in the workplace can take some of the burden off the health care providers in the community and can have a profound effect to promoting health & well-being in organizations before it becomes a performance, attendance or disability issue.
It’s time to bring health practitioners back into the workplace as a valuable member of your team. They can have a significant impact on the company’s illness and disability statistics by focusing on health prevention and education first, rather than just focusing on disability, after an employee has gone off work.
Professional Development Coaching
All too often organizations can have an employee or leader at work struggling with performance affecting their ability to be engaged, productive and even promoted.
With years of onsite services, Fournier Health offers workplaces and their employees an opportunity to manage these issues for the greater good of the employer, and the employee.
Offering personal growth & development coaching in the workplace, supports and guides an employee or leader to elevate their organizational, time management, interpersonal conflict skills, and so much more, in order to become a peak performer at home and at work. Once given the skills and support, we can all achieve success.
Claims & Disability Management Training and Coaching
We have been offering disability and claims management for years at Fournier Health.
This remains a very reactive role in all organizations as not enough resources – people or money, are being allocated to prevention and wellness programs (of which we also offer). We offer customized, comprehensive programs to address your disability claims and health & wellness. The latter has a longer lasting effect on the employer and its people.
With escalating WSIB and short/long term disability claims, it is critical that we have a professional with knowledge and compassion to manage disability and return to work endeavours.
All too often the employer assigns an employee, without training, to manage this very important work with the direction to reduce disability claims, costs and absenteeism.
Effective claims coaching is offered to ensure your claims manager does right by the employee and you, the employer, with a decrease in claims and costs as a natural result of claims coaching.
WSIB Claims Management Training and Coaching
Beyond the Form 6, 7, 8 and 9 is a world of intricate WSIB policies that each claim manager/coordinator must understand to provide effective claims management for their organization. To realize maximum KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and ROI (Return on Investment), this advanced WSIB Claims Management Training, elevates the knowledge and skill level to achieve optimum results.
With a comprehensive online training program, and a review of your organization’s
claims, your claims manager will have an increased understanding of WSIB policies as it relates to injuries and return to work, along with expert help to assist in managing any open claims. Training and coaching are both offered during this program.