Presenting New Seminars from dHMS

How to Implement a Mental Health Program in the Workplace March 28 – Kempenfelt Centre, Innisfil, Ontario May 9 – Stone Crock Restaurant, St. Jacobs, Ontario With new ‘voluntary’ standards, Psychological Health & Safety in the Workplace remains an ongoing concern over the years. With the totality of mental health issues costing the Canadian economy $50 billion dollars annually, it is only a matter [...]

By |2015-05-08T14:05:08-04:00March 11, 2013|Mental Health|0 Comments

Mastering Accident Investigations and Subsequent Claims Process

Spaces continue to be available for those interested in this seminar. It would seem that this is an old topic but to be perfectly honest, accident investigations are not done well at all. When you look at trying to reduce claim costs and accidents, a thorough and detailed accident investigation is crucial for cost and injury containment. All too often investigations are not done [...]

By |2015-05-08T14:07:42-04:00February 26, 2013|disAbility Management|0 Comments

Homeopathy Offers Hope!

Great article written by Karen Wehrstein on homeopathy and its benefits. As a growing medicine in the world today, and the second largest system of medicine, we need to start paying attention to the results! The argument is old and to be perfectly honest, stale. Let’s get on with the reality of what homeopathy can do for each of us instead of continuously debating [...]

By |2015-05-08T14:15:20-04:00February 21, 2013|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Natural Healthcare Rising in Popularity!

I just picked up a copy of Vitality Magazine, February 2013 issue – The Trusted Source for Natural Health Solutions and was happy to see one of the main articles was written by Helkie Ferrie. The magazine cover states Natural Healthcare Rising in Popularity! Her article reads ‘New Year – New Hope for Healthcare’. I’m among those that support her article. More research is [...]

By |2015-05-08T14:19:58-04:00February 19, 2013|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Homeopathy is covered by Insurance!

Interesting enough; I did my thesis in homeopathic medical school on Occupational Homeopathy (Occupational – meaning in the workplace). Within this thesis, I also uncovered a list of insurance companies that cover this wonderful medicine. Two years ago, my research revealed at least 1/2 dozen insurance companies in Ontario provided coverage separate from Naturopathic medicine. This was great news. The general population who have [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:01:07-04:00February 4, 2013|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

Do you want to be a Leader in Workplace Health?

DisAbility & Health Management Solutions Communiqué - January 2013 Happy New Years! Here are some simple solutions on how to become a leader in workplace health. 1. Get ahead of your disability claims The best way to get ahead of your disability claims is to ensure your policies and procedures accurately reflect your strategies to minimize absenteeism. In my opinion, the main reason why [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:13:54-04:00January 15, 2013|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

New Year = Absenteeism

I have found over the years, for some odd reason, the absenteeism rates reduce significantly before the Festive Holidays. Maybe everyone is intent on getting away from hanging lights, baking, wrapping gifts or shopping. Sounds like a deterrence but don’t let this fool you. Historically, the New Year gets most companies back on track when it comes to employee absenteeism. January and February are [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:16:34-04:00January 7, 2013|Mental Health|0 Comments


The second largest complete system of medicine in the world today is Homeopathy (first is Traditional Chinese Medicine). Fortunately there is a growing trend towards natural medicine such as Homeopathy, unfortunately, not many people know about it. So what does it do? As a homeopath, we stay away from the word ‘cure’. It gets us into a lot of trouble with those not so [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:27:31-04:00January 7, 2013|Health & Wellness|0 Comments

With Santa comes Stress!

Tis the season where everyone is in a hurry to get from one place to another, buying gifts for all their loved ones and friends, and eventually making it to the grocery store for the perfect festive meals. I’m guilty like so many others.  However, those of us that work full time and try to manage these additional errands want to pull our hair out [...]

By |2015-05-11T18:39:19-04:00December 6, 2012|Mental Health|0 Comments
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