With almost 30 years in claims/case management, I have managed thousands of claims and not one has been identical to the other. They have similarities but that’s it. When you are dealing with claims, there are individuals that makes each case unique – the employee, the doctor, rehabilitation professionals, and of course either WSIB or an insurance carrier and each one of their adjudicators, [...]

By |2015-04-20T17:54:43-04:00September 15, 2014|disAbility Management, Fournier Blog|0 Comments

Creating a Benefits Package That Wows

FOURNIER Health Management Solutions (FOURNIER Health/FHMS) is turning heads and WOWING Human Resources departments across the province! Our programs are extremely innovative while providing you with an excellent return on investment. Your employees will receive the most comprehensive, cutting edge onsite health care services as part of an extended occupational and employee health care benefit plan. Each and every program is tailored to the [...]

By |2015-04-20T17:57:56-04:00September 9, 2014|Health & Wellness|0 Comments
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